It seems that this album fits quite well with Christmas and this spirit many would like to find out and keep inside. Childish pieces alternate with strange or more relaxing moods. And you even find an easy jazz waltz and a samba tune at the end of B side.
lp was released in 1976 on De Wolfe Music records (for In Editions label).
A side is composed and recorded by Daniel J. White, B side by Allan Feanch.
Good Morning Julie
Bless ya'z!
Thanks for all your comments, merry christmas / joyeux noël to all of you !
thankyou sir!
thank you dear mr Pollux it's always a pleasure to visit your blog!!!!! all the best, Nick.
WOW Great Post Great music Great blog
Many thanks and Happy New Year
Thanks a lot everybody for your comments, i wish you a great happy new year !
Hi Sparks, thanks a lot for your kind comment, have an happy and rich new year ! I've just checked out your blogs and they look really interesting, that's always exciting to find new information sources about music !
All the best and enjoy
thank you very much for all music you share...god bless
Thanks to you
Hey Pollux Thank you once again!
joyeux Noël aussi
It is always a rare treat when you visit a blog that is no longer active and discover some of the links are still working - I did come to find the Camille Sauvage album you had posted, but the links are dead - however, finding a great quality rip of Timing 11 more than makes up for it.
I really appreciate you not closing down your blog! Many thanks.
Would love to read more interesting content like this one.
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